So, I had a really odd dream last night. I'm prone to nightmares, so it wasn't that bad. It was odd, though.
Here it goes...
This all started with us picking up my mom's friend, her friend's husband and her friend's kids. Don't ask me how many there were, the ship was already crowded with everything from itty-bitties to young adults.
So, where are we headed in our wonderful space craft? A wedding. Who's getting hitched? I have no idea anymore. One set of cousins from Ammamay's side travel with us, some of my mom's friends, too, a couple of the older guys'(my cousins, my brother/his buddies, those ones) girlfriends and my boyfriend(there may have been more that one boyfriend showing up, but only one of them was mine) had been given individual transport. This fact was both an annoyance and a relief. I doubt we would have even had room for my "+1" to travel with us.
Several tedious, loud and mildy confusing("That should've been a left!" "Are you kidding me? Please. Tell me that that's a joke" "I told you left." "I didn't hear you." etc. etc.) days later, we reached the planet we were searching for. Right in time for New Year's.
The celebrations were HUGE. There were parades and fireworks and people everywhere. The place we were staying that night was holding a room for the wedding party to sort of "wind down" amid the chaos of the recent arrival and the celebration. The place had a pool with was warm, but not hot, and everything was wonderful. There was food that would make your mouth water, or your eyes water, everything from courses, to desserts, to snacks, set up semi-buffet style all around the, I'll call it a hotel. The drinks were superb. I consumed at least two platefuls of food, there was this dish where you can just take small fowl-like birds from a rotisserie, different ones had different seasonings; zesty or sweet, anything really.
Another nice thing about getting there was that I finally got to see Hyperspace. We walked around and talked for a while.
After the celebrations ended, we moved closer to where the wedding was going to be. There an unfortunate occurrence where I tried to get fancy clothes from a holographic simulator. See, I didn't have any fancy clothes for the wedding, so I tried to wear a fancy dress out of the simulation, but when I got to the end of the river, I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
On the morning of the wedding a group of us took a hike. When we got back, everyone was setting up. Because I was supposed to be in it for some reason, I needed to get changed. Ammamay, her friend and I headed back to the ship. This is where things get weird.
I'm in my quarters in jeans and a tank-top one arm in the sleeve of my shirt when we hear a loud noise come from down the hall. Ammamay and her friend decide to check out what the noise was and suddenly I heard sobbing. Ammamay called me over to them. When I showed up I saw a man in a grey jumpsuit lying on the floor. Part of his face was full of green veins. It was my mother's friend's husband and he told us not to go through the door.
Immediately, his wife ran into the next hall. And screamed. Ammamay and I looked through the door, but didn't go in. The ceiling was covered in woven vines and an outline of her friend was there, like she was on the other side, pressed against the ceiling, and she wasn't moving. I don't know what was happening to her, if she would end up like her husband, but we also don't know what was going to happen to him. We need to tell the authorities, we need to get help. We run. "Ag!" I hear Ammamy yell. "AG!" I sit up. "Ag, would you like chocolate chips in your pancake?" I'm awake in my bed, there is no alien plant life trying to kill me. Suddenly life is much better.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Once upon a Dream...
Ag Freeborn,
Alien Plant Life,
Monday, February 11, 2013
For the Poll
This is the place where you should comment to specify who you like as a comic publisher!
There will be no judgement from me and all of the actual votes are anonymous!
Voting closes sometime in February of next year, so as of today you have plenty of time(it's tickin' away pretty quick, though)
There will be no judgement from me and all of the actual votes are anonymous!
Voting closes sometime in February of next year, so as of today you have plenty of time(it's tickin' away pretty quick, though)
I am bad at survival. FACT.
I have been in The Loft of the house in which I live for the past three days. I have left occasionally for food and water and the birthday party of two (now 4-year-old) girls who are related to me.
This is not good.
I mean, I like to think of myself as fairly well-adjusted for a 16-year-old girl, and then I go do something like, say, play Batman: Arkham Asylum for about twelve hours straight and when I get kicked off of the XBox do I go out? Do I do something productive? Maybe get some...I don't know...well-needed exercise, or something?
I grabs some earbuds and plug them into the computer and proceed to watch about twenty Jennifer Lawrence interviews before moving on to some Vlogbrothers as YouTube dessert.*
It was sunny today. I have a bike, I could've gone to the-wait, no; the library's closed on Mondays, especially Holiday mondays. DANGIT. I could've called a friend, though. Maybe hung out with them and drawn, gone through comics, watched B-Movies, ANYTHING.
Instead I just sort of hung around.
While I firmly believe it's great and healthy to have a "Lazy Day", having a "Lazy Three-day Weekend of Angry Gaming and No Showers" makes me sound like a bit of a cliché.**
Good thing there's another three-day weekend coming up. Maybe I'll actually go outside.***
*Yum, smart people!
**Good thing I have all my new comics to keep me company!
***To be absolutely fair, I did go out on Friday with my friends to see Warm Bodies(awesome movie, by the way) but that was before the weekend started.
This is not good.
I mean, I like to think of myself as fairly well-adjusted for a 16-year-old girl, and then I go do something like, say, play Batman: Arkham Asylum for about twelve hours straight and when I get kicked off of the XBox do I go out? Do I do something productive? Maybe get some...I don't know...well-needed exercise, or something?
I grabs some earbuds and plug them into the computer and proceed to watch about twenty Jennifer Lawrence interviews before moving on to some Vlogbrothers as YouTube dessert.*
It was sunny today. I have a bike, I could've gone to the-wait, no; the library's closed on Mondays, especially Holiday mondays. DANGIT. I could've called a friend, though. Maybe hung out with them and drawn, gone through comics, watched B-Movies, ANYTHING.
Instead I just sort of hung around.
While I firmly believe it's great and healthy to have a "Lazy Day", having a "Lazy Three-day Weekend of Angry Gaming and No Showers" makes me sound like a bit of a cliché.**
Good thing there's another three-day weekend coming up. Maybe I'll actually go outside.***
*Yum, smart people!
**Good thing I have all my new comics to keep me company!
***To be absolutely fair, I did go out on Friday with my friends to see Warm Bodies(awesome movie, by the way) but that was before the weekend started.
Ag Freeborn,
Jennifer Lawrence,
Three-day Weekend,
Warm Bodies,
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
I am a Greedy Nerd
Hello, internet.
I was on a walk with Ammamay* and the Nami dog when I came across an interesting fact about myself.
I hoard knowledge. I love to learn things. I mean, the most fun I have is generally when learning things, but I don't want to do anything with that knowledge, I just want to learn stuff.
This is a bad thing, I think.
'Scholar' is no longer a proper career option and I'm not sure it ever was a career option for us nerd ladies, anyway. I don't have a bunch of brilliant ideas all of the time. I have problems with applying math to my science*. I am, quite often, an idiot.
Q:Where does this leave me?
A1:A part-time job that pays for endless tuition!
A2:TENURED PROFESSORSHIP![YEAH, RIGHT!(...idiot *facepalm*)]
A3:Doesn't matter become a librarian and work on my post-grad psychology courses while "workin' the shelves".
A4:I don't know, I'm not sure if I'll ever know. Some sort of alternative lifestyle that involves the romanticized ideal of a traveling renaissance youth, who travels and gains wisdom eternally young.**
A5:Become half of a married bank-robbing duo. Die by being shot during a car chase by the kind of gun that I, myself, use during robberies.***
The truth is-I have no idea how my life will go, or what curveballs it will throw at me(ooo, a baseball metaphor! *rolls eyes*). I don't know if everything will go according to plan. To clear things up a bit, I choose Option 3 as of this moment in time.
Here's to our bright futures!
*My dear Mother
**I'm not that clouded by my dreams, although it sounds like fun.
"Oh, soon we'll be out amid the cold world's strife.
Soon we'll be sliding down the razor blade of life. "
I was on a walk with Ammamay* and the Nami dog when I came across an interesting fact about myself.
I hoard knowledge. I love to learn things. I mean, the most fun I have is generally when learning things, but I don't want to do anything with that knowledge, I just want to learn stuff.
This is a bad thing, I think.
'Scholar' is no longer a proper career option and I'm not sure it ever was a career option for us nerd ladies, anyway. I don't have a bunch of brilliant ideas all of the time. I have problems with applying math to my science*. I am, quite often, an idiot.
Q:Where does this leave me?
A1:A part-time job that pays for endless tuition!
A2:TENURED PROFESSORSHIP![YEAH, RIGHT!(...idiot *facepalm*)]
A3:Doesn't matter become a librarian and work on my post-grad psychology courses while "workin' the shelves".
A4:I don't know, I'm not sure if I'll ever know. Some sort of alternative lifestyle that involves the romanticized ideal of a traveling renaissance youth, who travels and gains wisdom eternally young.**
A5:Become half of a married bank-robbing duo. Die by being shot during a car chase by the kind of gun that I, myself, use during robberies.***
The truth is-I have no idea how my life will go, or what curveballs it will throw at me(ooo, a baseball metaphor! *rolls eyes*). I don't know if everything will go according to plan. To clear things up a bit, I choose Option 3 as of this moment in time.
Here's to our bright futures!
*My dear Mother
**I'm not that clouded by my dreams, although it sounds like fun.
"Oh, soon we'll be out amid the cold world's strife.
Soon we'll be sliding down the razor blade of life. "
Ag Freeborn,
Bonnie and Clyde,
California, USA
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
So, my wallet was stolen this past Sunday.
I was walking out of a restaurant and putting my wallet back into my backpack when it happened. Some crafty mutt with a two-bit agenda took my wallet that had basically all of my video-game/fooding/movies/activities-that-take-place-outside-of-my-house-money inside of it. It doesn't look like I'll be very busy this month.
Y'know, except for finals, those are kinda important.
Another misfortune that befell me this week was that my Facebook Account was hacked(while I was in the middle of class, nonetheless). Somebody thought it would be generous to write
"free handjobs i have nudes for 5$"
Now, what bothered me most about this post was not what bothered my mother most about this post, or my boyfriend most about this post.* What bothered me most about this post was the fact that they decided to put the '$' after the '5', the uncapitalized 'i' and the total lack of basic gramar skills. I mean, they tried to make this a believable post on the page of the girl who corrects the spelling and grammar of graffiti‽‽‽** Anyway, I got the offending post removed, issued a generic "I'm sorry, but it wasn't actually me" post and got a few replies the fell along the lines of "we could tell it wasn't you".
I got one reply that really stood out to me, though, about the reason I had been hacked in the first place-
"Oh, people like to do things like this. Basically, it's the online equivalent to the dumbass that draws a penis on the bathroom stall and snickers to themselves in satisfaction, thinking they're being such a badass."
Besides making me laugh(and be grateful to have such amazing friends) it made me realize that even though a lot of the people around me were panicking*** and I had to change my password - it wasn't that bad. It was even kind of funny. If I had given in and freaked out, or I felt bad because somebody somewhere was being stupid and looking for a negative reaction, I'd be giving them exactly what they wanted, but by laughing, I was gaining something for myself - a healthy sense of humor and a slightly more secure password.
Another thing that came of this is the ongoing "naked stick figures drawings" and "baby pictures" jokes. The only nudes I can draw are stick-people and the only nudes I have of myself are from when I was under a year old. Oh well, people are strange.
*She was worried that my foreign friends were hacking me, or that I had given someone my password. My beau was worried that colleges would think ill of me. I was worried I'd get laugh lines.
**I'm not joking, I'll upload a picture later to post here.
PS-The rest of my Facebook is basically a Virginity Shield, so I don't see how anyone would mistake the hacked post for something I would write.
I'm serious-
My page is-
Doctor Who
No Butter in Hell
Calvin and Hobbes
Big Bang Theory
HALO etc. It's just illogical.
I was walking out of a restaurant and putting my wallet back into my backpack when it happened. Some crafty mutt with a two-bit agenda took my wallet that had basically all of my video-game/fooding/movies/activities-that-take-place-outside-of-my-house-money inside of it. It doesn't look like I'll be very busy this month.
Y'know, except for finals, those are kinda important.
Another misfortune that befell me this week was that my Facebook Account was hacked(while I was in the middle of class, nonetheless). Somebody thought it would be generous to write
"free handjobs i have nudes for 5$"
Now, what bothered me most about this post was not what bothered my mother most about this post, or my boyfriend most about this post.* What bothered me most about this post was the fact that they decided to put the '$' after the '5', the uncapitalized 'i' and the total lack of basic gramar skills. I mean, they tried to make this a believable post on the page of the girl who corrects the spelling and grammar of graffiti‽‽‽** Anyway, I got the offending post removed, issued a generic "I'm sorry, but it wasn't actually me" post and got a few replies the fell along the lines of "we could tell it wasn't you".
I got one reply that really stood out to me, though, about the reason I had been hacked in the first place-
"Oh, people like to do things like this. Basically, it's the online equivalent to the dumbass that draws a penis on the bathroom stall and snickers to themselves in satisfaction, thinking they're being such a badass."
Besides making me laugh(and be grateful to have such amazing friends) it made me realize that even though a lot of the people around me were panicking*** and I had to change my password - it wasn't that bad. It was even kind of funny. If I had given in and freaked out, or I felt bad because somebody somewhere was being stupid and looking for a negative reaction, I'd be giving them exactly what they wanted, but by laughing, I was gaining something for myself - a healthy sense of humor and a slightly more secure password.
Another thing that came of this is the ongoing "naked stick figures drawings" and "baby pictures" jokes. The only nudes I can draw are stick-people and the only nudes I have of myself are from when I was under a year old. Oh well, people are strange.
*She was worried that my foreign friends were hacking me, or that I had given someone my password. My beau was worried that colleges would think ill of me. I was worried I'd get laugh lines.
**I'm not joking, I'll upload a picture later to post here.
PS-The rest of my Facebook is basically a Virginity Shield, so I don't see how anyone would mistake the hacked post for something I would write.
I'm serious-
My page is-
Doctor Who
No Butter in Hell
Calvin and Hobbes
Big Bang Theory
HALO etc. It's just illogical.
Ag Freeborn,
Virginity Shield
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